my memories
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Well, I went for grad lunch yesterday. It was alright I s'pose, though the food was disappointing. It probably would have been more fun if i didn't have to wobble around because of my toe. As most of you would know, I hurt my toe on Sunday when I was playing monkey.
Word of advice: Don't play any game involving a basketball the day before an important event, like grad lunch.
I didn't actually realise that my toe was bleeding underneath the nail until I saw it. When the ball hit my toe, I started hopping because I felt slight pain. (well, slightly more than slight pain, but not what i'd call PAIN) Then I took a look at my toe, and went, "Oh Shit!" That was when I felt panic and soon after began to cry. Waha.
I don't think I really cried because it hurt. It was more of a realisation that my toe, in that state, should be feeling a lot of pain... and i hate pain. It was like crying in advance. I don't think the actual pain was that bad. (I already forgot what it felt like) I should have taken a photo of it. It would've made a good memoir sort of thing...
Back to grad lunch, I made 3 rounds to the buffet table, so I could try whatever I wanted. In the end, the food wasn't all that. Then later that night, the family went to Marche for dinner to celebrate Rachel's birthday. I've never eaten so much at Marche before, until last night that is. It's crazy! Especially since I've had a buffet lunch that afternoon. Oh well, food at Marche rocked as usual, and it's still as expensive. Ahha.
The usual gang I hang out with in class =)
Wenying finally willing to be captured on camera! Amazingggg. Yay for sa club!
Ms Tan (the one in the topmost photo) is my Bio and co-form teacher. She's funny in her own way, and has never shouted at the class- I don't know how she managed it.
Ms Chai (the one in the photo below) is my English teacher. Strict, but she makes English lessons interesting. A fabulous teacher.
12:32 PM
mmm... yummy
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Saw this on Crytal's blog, decided to do it for fun. I'm pretty bored anyway.
A- Damn good kisser.
B- Good all around person.
C- You're wild & crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E-You have a nice ass
F- People totally adore you.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You get hyper easily.
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You like to try new things.
L- You live to have fun.
M- Success comes easily to you.
N- You are absolutely beautiful.
O- You're an awesome person.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Sexy!
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love.
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgmental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for.
Z- You're a little too hard to find.
So with my name I'm...
S- Easy to fall in love with. (hm, don't know about that)
A- Damn good kisser. (meh, i wouldn't know)
R- Sexy! (thank you!)
A- Damn good kisser. (ahha! so i'm doubly gd?)
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
K- You like to try new things. (not really, i don't quite like change)
I- You get hyper easily. (hohoho... yes, this is purty true)
M- Success comes easily to you. (utter rubbish)
B- Good all around person.
E-You have a nice ass. (waha! thank you =))
R- Sexy! (i'm doubly sexy too??)
L- You live to have fun. (utter rubbish)
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for. (i wouldn't know)
Waha! A pretty odd result in my opinion. Nevertheless, i am terribly amused. XD
10:27 PM
mmm... yummy
I finally bought my dress. FINALLY. It isn't the one i originally wanted, but it still cost $103.95. I felt sad from departing with the money, even though it's my parents money. While walking around Orchard, I remembered why I don't shop unless it's necessary - it's a leg killer and it forces you to part with beloved cash. Whoo boy... And trying dress after dress... I felt like some sort of barbie doll.
Now all I need to do is pray that no one would end up in the same thing. I think that's a girl's worst nightmare, or maybe not. That's one reason to envy you guys out there. You don't have to spend so much time and money, all you need to wear is a suit, or something formal-ish. The only possible differences are size, price, and colour. Easy peasy, no?
When photos are taken during the grad lunch, I'll post them. Then y'all can take a look. Heh. That's about it for today, toodles.
7:36 PM
mmm... yummy
Monday, November 20, 2006
Well, I've got to make a choice now, on which jc i wanna go to for the first 2 months. (yeah, it's no longer 3 months) I'm s'posed to submit my choices by friday. Hm... Lord, may you show me which jc i should go to.
Oh gosh, I need to find more things to do during the holidays. Otherwise, it'll just become a bore. I remember going down to play and hanging out at Ariel's nearly everyday during school holidays. That was before I entered secondary school, now it's just kind of... bleh. Not always, but there are moments like that.
I'm starting to miss school already, feeling a little nostalgic... I miss my class, although I didn't like it, i didn't hate it either. I mostly miss the half who sat nearer to the windows, but not only them, of course, a few others as well. It was loads of fun sitting where i did, i'm glad God placed me there. I also miss those who crapped with me during Art this year. The paint fumes must have played a part in triggering the maddness that ensued pretty much every Art period.
Special thanks to:
Cassie - For encouraging me sometimes with your praises. Your bikering with Debbie have provided great entertainment now and then. =)) Sorry, but it's true. I still don't understand how you can love Orlando Bloom so much, but hey, the same goes to the rest of his fans.
Charlotte - The vice-chairperson for 404! Ahaha. The one who comes over to collect something or give something out... The way we say "hi" and "do you miss me?"... You've been a wonderful vice-chairperson, thank you.
Crystal - The blur queen who believes in people. You are still one naive girl, though that may not be such a bad thing. Thank you for intro-ing me to Tactics and Tsubasa...!
Daphne - You do great fashion design, and really know how to crap for art! Ahha. Since you want to be a tai tai so much, I guess I'll wish you all the best with that.
Debbie - My crapping partner! Wahahahaha. During Art and Math, it's always hilarious to have you around. Strange, how we can have rather opposite characters, but still click. Nevertheless, stay crazy yeah?
Maddie - Only prefect of our class. Ahha. You're cool to talk to and chill with during Art. I love your art pieces! Think you can sell the canvas you painted to me next year?
Melissa - you have good humour, and it's fun to tease wenying with you. Waha. All the best in pursuing Marine Biology!
Sukhpreet - You are always laughing or smiling! Haha. You really brighten my day, and man can you talk! On and on and on... It's been great having you around, especially during art! Ahaha. You and maddie trying to convince me something is wrong with the other. All in good fun of course =))
Vanessa Ong - Vice-president of the SA club! I think you can get into sajc la, since you're so smart. You also want to go overseas to study later on right? All the best with that! You and wy amuse me sometimes. Haha, really glad I got to know you.
Wenying - Mentally insane partner of mine and prez of the SA club! Waahaha. You and Vaness are so bad to Mrs Teo man, never say anything during Lit remedial. Many great memories with you in it for this whole year. You helped me to be disciplined and focus on my work, thank you.
Well, sis wants to blog, so I'll let her. Toodles!
3:00 PM
mmm... yummy
Friday, November 17, 2006
Whew, i'm tired. Uncle Jeff arranged a barbeque gathering for cell today, so the little kiddies (Caleb, Jana, and Jessie) came to play. Benita, Sis, and I babysitted them. Woah, it's been quite awhile since I've played in the playground. It was kind of a re-lived childhood moment when I join them in playing catch. I also forgot how tiring it can be! Well, maybe it's just because I've grown a little older....
It was fun, we also played with the see-saws. Caleb is really heavy for his age.. He didn't need to sit with someone else when he was on the see-saw with me; He managed fine on his own. Then Ben and Jessie joined in and I was trapped in mid-air. So sis came to help me. Ahaha.. It was quite a sight, kids on one end and teenage sisters on the other. It made me realise how much I miss being a kid, at the same time, I'm quite glad that I'm at this age now. Hmm.. Mixed feelings..
At the barbeque pit, the stray cats started coming. I think it was one huge family, the little kittens were there too. It was obvious they wanted something to gobble up, so I threw a few small pieces of food. They were actually quite healthy & clean looking for stray cats... There must be someone looking after them then.
I especially liked a white one with a black patch on it's nose and on it's ears. SO ADORABLE!
I think that's enough squealing. Heh...
Right, I'm done...
Ahem, yeah, definitely done.
Even Jana was leaning over the ledge and calling out to the cats. She went something like, "Cat! Caaattt!! Come... Cooommee..! COOOMEEE....!!!" Ahahaa. It was rather amusing to see her like that. I wonder if I ever was like that at her age, not necessarily to cats.
Overall, I enjoyed myself. I had a great time babysitting the little ones. Heh. Time to go now, toodles!
10:35 PM
mmm... yummy
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Well, I found something to wear for Grad. lunch alright, but it costs $103.95. So I'm debating whether to get it or not. Oh well, no hurry, I have until next next week. It was a crazy day of shopping on Monday, walking here and there. Plus the fact that i'm rather picky didn't help i guess.. as well as Crystal having certain rules to what she's wearing.. but that i can understand. I also made a new friend, his name is Cory. He reminds me of Kumar for some reason- don't ask me why. He's funny in a sense, but a little too straightforward. He also makes you wanna throw something at him now and then..
Right now, I'm waiting to take my geog mcq paper, which is at 4+pm! I don't know why they have to make it so late. It's ridiculous, I might end up forgetting to go for the paper because I've waited for too long!
Nah... the paper is too important. I'll definitely be there- I hope.
It feels so strange, that O level is pretty much over. Study so much, do the paper and then... that's it, you're never going to know exactly what it is you understand. You just get the grade. What's the point in that really? I know the grade can help you to choose where you'll end up, but isn't education about learning? Aren't exams and tests meant to help find out what you know? If we're never going to see the paper, we wouldn't know why we got that particular grade. We wouldn't know what went right, or wrong. Then what's the point? In the end, you can't correct your mistakes, or learn from them. It's just done for that one letter which will determine how you've done.
SO STUPID. Right, sorry about that, been quite moody lately, so that paragraph turned out like that. As I was saying, it feels strange, being able to finally relax (until next year that is). I think.. I think i miss studying... Hah, as if. Nah, I don't miss it, it just feels weird. Well, it's back to waiting, and studying for Geog. Toodles!
10:21 AM
mmm... yummy
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The O level exam is almost over! Finally, 2 more MCQ papers to go... So I've already started slacking.
I got a chance to slack today, chilled at Faith's home with JiaEn, Benita, Lydia, sis and of course, Faith. I also got a chance to meet Checkers! He is such an adorable dog, except for the biting habit... A real pervert too. I was playing the drums game on JiaEn's laptop, and had to kneel on the floor with the laptop placed on the sofa. That's when I felt something touching my butt... I turned around, and found Checkers snout on my butt. JiaEn starting laughing, and distracted Checkers for me. What is this maan... Faith ah, please teach your dog not to sniff people's butt just like that! Heh..
After chilling at Faith's the family went to watch "Flushed Away". It's a cute show; short and sweet; great animation and humourous. Plus, the humour wasn't exactly the in your face kind of humour. There were little things in the show that made me laugh... Though I'm not going to say what, you'll just have to watch it. If you don't know what the show is about, check out the website -
Tomorrow I'm going shopping with Crys, Nessa ans Cassie at Far East Plaza for an outfit for grad. lunch, so hopefully i'll be able to find something.. considering the fact that i'm real fussy.. Heh.. Oh well, so see you around!
9:55 PM
mmm... yummy